Worry plus fear

8/27/2012 10:56:00 PM

People say that you should picture the future -- what you want to be, where you want to be, who you want to be with, etc. It's something normal people usually do. We dream and there's nothing wrong about it. It is normal that we aspire or wish for something to be or have.

I have a lot of plans for my life. Some even changed already or greatly modified. Some plans just vanished into thin air and who-knows where they are now. Point is, our visions change. But our spirit must not.

Everyday, there is a pressure I put upon myself about looking for a job and having the real dream job. Yet I know, everything is a staircase process. One should be in the first step before reaching the top. Some are just lucky to take the elevator and be at the top in a blink of an eye.

I worry. That's sad news.

Usually, I tell myself not to worry because I should not and I am not supposed to. But I still do. Maybe not always but at times, I do and it's not cool.

I fear. That's sad news too.

I worry because I have fears. A lot. But I know that I should not and I am not supposed to, again. But I still do. And it really sucks.

Worry + Fear. Not such a great combination. Does not work well together and it will try to screw you up big time!

On the other hand, I have gained a few and nice things to allow myself to slowly withdraw from these feelings.

I remember I posted:
“Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere. Worry and everything seems worthless. Pray and everything will be worth it.”
It's something I live with and remind myself and those people dear to me about. And I know it helps to be reminded. Somehow makes a difference.

I wonder where the thought goes whenever I feel the unwelcomed-tandem (worry+fear). I wonder how it pops in and in again in my mind. It's bothering.

 I have a lot of things in my mind. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I feel this way. I have special moments when I am able to clear them up and I have worse moments when they pile up one after the other. 

I was running through the thoughts in my mind when I realized that I fear of the things I do not want to happen in the future. That I think about tomorrow too much, think about the day after tomorrow too much. Scared of what tomorrow may bring. Even scared if tomorrow has something to bring. I am scared that the things I do not want to happen may visit me and stay for good. Scared that I might lose something or someone along the way of building myself.

I am scared to take a larger leap. Does it mean then that I have lesser faith?

Maybe. Cos' I have the fear to take the larger leap of my life story.

Somehow, we get so used to what we have, where we stand and everything that is part of our "good" lives. We think that we are satisfied. We do not need anything more. But sometimes, we know we do need more, something much better. We are just scared to take another step towards the better because we are scared of losing the "good" in the process.

Many of us are also blinded that there can be something more. I know I am, sometimes.

The Bible gives us 365 verses that tells us not to fear. 365 days, 365 promises by God. It will be more than enough for us to get through. Jesus said:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God. Have faith also in me."  (John 14:1)
I pray now that the Lord may grant me the wisdom to know His will for me, courage to face it and the humility to accept it will all my heart. He washed my sins. He, too, shall wash away my worries and fears.

A friend texted me about a song. Let me share it too you.

I know it's not just me who worries, who fears. But with all the worries and fear I have in me, I want to convert them into something that could be of use to the others who have more worries and fears than me. I wanna be a part of somebody else's story. Maybe the story could be yours.

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