We just are

5/04/2014 02:37:00 AM

There will always be that moment when you will just break down and feel every bad thing crush you into pieces. It's not everyday that you are able to feel the rush of emotions running through your body and bursting into tears. All of us needs something or someone, perhaps to make us feel safe or make us feel better than the crap we already are.

There are and will always be people who will never understand what we are going through. But though there are these people who are capable of judging us for who we are and who we are not, there are also people who will be there to back us up. I think we should be grateful for them instead.

Life is never fair. Nobody said it will be either. Sometimes, things hurt us and makes us fall down so we can learn to be brave and rise again. But sometimes, the things that makes us fall down also makes it twice harder to rise. They have strings wrapped around us that keeps us glued on the ground, struggling so much for freedom.

We have things we keep for ourselves. And these things are those things we will never be proud of. These are things that we are scared that we might be judged wrongly about. Things that are hard to understand that even we, ourselves could not understand. But why do we have things in our lives that are meant to be this way? I wonder. And I still keep on searching for the right and acceptable answers why we are what we are at times. Answer? Because we just are. Although we have the power and the capacity to be some totally different person, we just don't seem to care. We are trapped in the own little world which we created where we move in the way we want to. But again, things are not that easy as it seems. Every freakin' day, there will be eyes watching you, there will be words that may be for or against you, there will be moments that will make you laugh or cry. These are all part of the choices that we make. So try and make good and worthy choices. Not every body is capable doing so. Not even me.

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