Top 5 things they say to make it feel better

7/26/2015 10:30:00 PM

I wonder if there is ever an easy way of saying goodbye. I wonder if people will ever get better at it either. Does the fewer number of days or memories you spend with a person supposed to make goodbyes easier? Will it be easier to just leave it all behind without a word?

They say maybe things aren't just made to work out the way you wish it would. Then was it made to hurt you instead? No one can ever tell if things will work out in the first place because sometimes, you just have to take the step forward, take the risk and come what may. Is it considered a reckless move? Should you think more the next time? I don't think one could ever know if things will be worth it. And most times, it's a personal decision to make it work anyway.

They say nothing is wrong with you. What went wrong then? Situations in our lives tend to make us think sometimes. There are moments when you feel like you've done something to trigger that one thing that messed up everything. Most times, you feel like it's just meant to go wrong. It's not fair to blame yourself because there's really no one to blame.

They say you've done your part. Have I? Have you? Is that supposed to make us feel any better then? There comes a time when you just stop and then wonder if you could have done something differently. If you did, will it make a difference? You just have to do your part sometimes. Trust me, it will save you from regrets.

They say people come and go. Yeah, I know. But the memories remain even after the people have gone. This just says it all.

Then lastly, they say things will get better. And you should know better because it will always get better. You will feel better when you decide for yourself that you will feel better. No matter what they tell you, no matter how much encouragement they give you, you still get to decide.

Decide to be better and feel better. I'm not saying now, this instant. Slowly, take your time. You owe it to yourself.

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