Letting it be
9/28/2012 05:22:00 PMEach of us wants something in our lives to change. Maybe a part of how we look, our lifestyle, the people around us, the situations we are in and more to mention individually. And with everything we have in mind, sometimes it helps that we just pause for a while and stop thinking because sometimes, thinking doesn't really help a lot. Instead, let this prayer help you get through as I am trying to get through.
Different things happen for different reasons. Whatever the reasons may be, we know it's for the best because God does not allow things to happen for nothing. He always has a good reason behind it, maybe even better. We have our wishes and dreams but sometimes, we just got to wait for it to come true or wait for something more than what we wished and hoped for.
Different situations come and go. Some helped us, some made us happy and some left us with pain and sadness. Regardless of its effect in our lives, I realized that there are things that are meant to be accepted the way it is. Not because I am lazy to fight for the change but because it will hurt more as I try and force things to change. It's time to embrace things the way they are and be happy with what has become. Everything will be enough. Maybe not now, but I believe they will be. Someday.
The things that happened, happening and will happen are part of God's perfect design. We just have to see good things in everything. So, I hope you get the chance to pause for a moment and say this prayer with all your heart because it helps. It's called the "Serenity Prayer".
- God, give me grace to accept with serenity
- the things that cannot be changed,
- Courage to change the things
- which should be changed,
- and the Wisdom to distinguish
- the one from the other.
- Living one day at a time,
- Enjoying one moment at a time,
- Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
- Taking, as Jesus did,
- This sinful world as it is,
- Not as I would have it,
- Trusting that You will make all things right,
- If I surrender to Your will,
- So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
- And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
- Amen.